Unless you're dancing, never make your circle bigger! Have you looked at the effort, time and emotions it takes to keep up with everyone and everything? It's a job and a half. Sure, we want those 3000+ friends on Facebook to feel popular and known. The Twitter followers without real names, never mind faces. Those heART emojis on Instagram to make us feel liked and appreciated. We all want, and love attention. But at what cost? Notice how frustrated we get when we don't get those? When we actually come back to the reality that those people might actually have lives, real ones that demand to be lived? Is it all worth it? Have our lives equated to the like-pass-forget mantra? Take this. Go back if you will. Having a few real friends, whose names you know, faces you'll never forget (unless your mind meets a tragedy), friends whose numbers you know by heART, can call or text without worrying about being a destruction, friends whom can help you in your time of need, the one...
Mom ~ Performing Artist ~ Writer ~ Lover of Books ~ YouTuber ~ Educator ~ Feminist ~ Novice Photographer ~ Aspiring Vlogger ~ Aspiring Travel Blogger ~ Social Media Butterfly [on a Hiatus]