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Showing posts from June, 2017

TSWALO : Give that child a name

When poetry is intertwined with prose to tell a story of  creation and being, there is a rebirth. Tswalo, loosely translated -  birth -  is a story about the beginning. Creation. Birth. Life as we know it begins here, and after that we find ourselves looking for pieces of Self - some of which we may have lost or discarded along the way - that'll make sense of who we are, and are becoming. The main character portrayed by Billy Edward, does exactly that, as he takes us through that journey of creation - maybe from the beginning of time - his and ours.  The directorship of Mahlatsi Mokgonyana is telling. You can see how intentional he was in wanting the audience to connect with this masterpiece. Every action was carefully curated to match the right words that'll drive the play's message home.  The piece swallows the present, taking you into a new space that forces engagement with an existence that you might have not taken notice of before, an existence that you m...

Money Maker - Reloaded

What makes the world go round? Money, you'd say. Well, most of us would attest to that whether we've had money or not. Money Maker looks at the typical life of making money through the Profession of Prostitution. Typical as it looks and sounds, there's more to the womxn in this Profession. For most, we go judging as we sit mightly on our Moral Horses, throwing around comments and instructions (disguised as suggestions) on how They should have made better choices; should have asked for help; should've found a job; how they should lead their lives, and and and.  To paraphrase the lead actor in this play, life demands you make choices - if you don't, it'll make them for you. I find more often we are caught between standardising these choices as to whether they are wrong or right. As to who is far down and out to be making certain choices and why. The play looks to answer questions that most of us have about Prostitution, and, it leaves you asking yourself if you ...