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Showing posts from September, 2017

Memories and Empty Spaces

When you hear a story of young rural girl moves to the City and 'forgets' where she comes from, you're thinking typical, right? But not quite. Championed by Champions of the Environment, Memories and Empty Spaces reminds audiences that the story is in the intent in which it is told. Because more often than not, we are different people, going through similar things all in pursuit of belonging. The story is centred around the character of a young womxn - Pulane (she who makes it rain, literally!) - whom like anyone of us is confronted with an identity crisis. Being raised to conform and follow what is believed and known to be true, only to go out and meet other worlds that threaten who you are and what you've known your entire's a crisis. What now? Do you discard that which has brought you this far? Do you embrace this new you and see what truth it holds? Or do you perhaps put the two worlds together and see if they will work amidst negative connot...