"My entire life had been struggle and survival. I'd been on my own since age seventeen. The fact that it was hard, shitty, was nothing new, but the biggest struggle was keeping hope and belief in myself. Then, finding an art community for support while fighting my ass off to stay alive." - Viola Davis in her book, 'Finding Me' My biggest beef with poverty is that it sets one a million steps back. Poverty and lack will have you questioning your worth even when you receive what you have tirelessly worked your ass off for. Your voice is in constant fear-mode on subjects you're well-versed on. Your confidence is almost non-existent in rooms you deem above you. Saying 'no' is not part of your vocabulary because you always consider others before you. Yet, you are capable and deserving. More than deserving. Because who, if not you? Getting out of this pit is one of the most difficult things one has to go through. Unfortunately, a majority of Bla...
Mom ~ Performing Artist ~ Writer ~ Lover of Books ~ YouTuber ~ Educator ~ Feminist ~ Novice Photographer ~ Aspiring Vlogger ~ Aspiring Travel Blogger ~ Social Media Butterfly [on a Hiatus]