When was the last time you acknowledged womxn? When was the last time you acknowledged being womxn? When was the last time you sat back, looked at your womxn, said to yourself You're doing okay, and patted yourself on the back? I know.
With recent events that have seen stories of womxn abuse surfacing, and some resurfacing, it hasn't been everyday that you could reflect(on the good), as a womxn, and take in fresh air. How do you carry on when the womxn in your life can't even carry themselves? How do you walk the streets when the womxn in your life don't even want to see a street corner? How do you brave the day with a smile when it's a cover for what's really going on? Well, be a womxn.
I got a breath of fresh air when I went to watch the amazing ten-womxn-band, Abafazi. LORD, I haven't floated in the air like that in so long! Seeing those Marimbas, Drums, and Shakers on stage sure set the mood for a once in a lifetime performance. The eccentric entrance of the womxn on stage had me at the edge of my seat. Dance. Energy. Music. Song. Simply put, it was magic. When they broke into song, singing songs that we could all relate to, I knew I was never alone. It took them for the womxn in me to reflect as I teared away in awe and gratitude, seeing the unison founded on music, and then thinking, How beautYful when womxn stand together. The judgmental voice at the back of my head was immediately shut at the sight of these womxn. It wasn't about trying to infiltrate into pARTs of their lives they hadn't given anyone of the audience access to. I was content with who and what they presented. I was alive. I looked around, there was life. I took in the entire theatre's energy, there was a new air. An air of hope. An air of conquering. An air of belonging. An air of being and becoming.
Abafazi brought us home. They led us to ourselves and our people. The creative minds behind this ensemble deserve a standing ovation. Again, it was magic.
Love. Peace. And Womxn.
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