Baking is, for me, therapy.
I remember how I would travel some 10km+ to ha boKoko when we didn't have an oven stove at home, just so I can bake. Be ke fitlha ke lapile when I had walked all the way mara I needed my fix. There's nothing romantic about walking long distance - get that pART - no matter why. And the dishes after that??? LORD have mercy!
And now being able to bake ka hae anytime - and I mean ANYTIME - is such a mood😂😂! Baking has now become more of an escape and addiction. When I'm struggling with my schoolwork - out of frustration - I bake. When motherhood feels a bit too much - I bake. When I get writer's block - I bake. When angry, triggered - I bake. The most absurd is baking when I'm happy because that gets me over-excited and I rattle, my mind has so many tabs open and I can't even keep up, nevermind those I live with.😂😂
What I appreciate though, ke ho ithuta and experimenting with different recipes.🙌🏼🙌🏼 And learning that BoMma loooooooooove chocolate cake!😂😂 Her children need to gazat and buy the ingredients so I'll bake chocolate cake for her birthday.
On BoMma, the 23cm baking pan in the pictures happens to be older than me and I'm the FIRST in the family to use it.😂😂 BoMma's late husband bought the pans for her before I was even conceived - they say that maybe he bought them for me.🥺🥺 Is this an instance of things going full-circle?
Here's to more baking days until my baby can help me with the dishes because BoMma ba a lapa.❤❤
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