In a society where we are constantly forced to conform to pressure and the status quo, nothing gets as much attention as protest does. I'm not talking toyi-toying down the streets kind of protest, no. I am talking using the body to defy the norm and speak up.
Breaking the Cycle, choreographed and performed by Funeka Ramorula, was out to speak up, protest. He used dance to say to the world, I am who and what I am. His piece conveyed messages we know all too well, issues of finding Self in a society that's constantly looking to change you and make you who they want you to be. We missed a connection with the performer on more occasions than one, his face was rather invisible - maybe as a form of protest - but for those of us who do not know dance, we would have liked to pick up some of his emotions through his facial expressions. As a horrible dancer, I wondered if my thoughts of 'I can do that' every time he jumped or swayed on stage, meant that he makes it look easy or it really is easy, or something was missing. On the other hand, the voice-over is one element that needs to be looked into. Besides the sound being 'scratchy', it was difficult having to try and grab what was being said and at the same time connect it to the dance on stage. It wasn't the language (which I picked up to be Xitsonga) that was making it difficult but hearing difficulties drew a line between the two mediums. The concept is good, but it needs re-working. You don't want to leave the Theatre knowing you're not coming back for the next show - it needs to be a battle.
Wherever you - break the cycle.
Breaking the Cycle, choreographed and performed by Funeka Ramorula, was out to speak up, protest. He used dance to say to the world, I am who and what I am. His piece conveyed messages we know all too well, issues of finding Self in a society that's constantly looking to change you and make you who they want you to be. We missed a connection with the performer on more occasions than one, his face was rather invisible - maybe as a form of protest - but for those of us who do not know dance, we would have liked to pick up some of his emotions through his facial expressions. As a horrible dancer, I wondered if my thoughts of 'I can do that' every time he jumped or swayed on stage, meant that he makes it look easy or it really is easy, or something was missing. On the other hand, the voice-over is one element that needs to be looked into. Besides the sound being 'scratchy', it was difficult having to try and grab what was being said and at the same time connect it to the dance on stage. It wasn't the language (which I picked up to be Xitsonga) that was making it difficult but hearing difficulties drew a line between the two mediums. The concept is good, but it needs re-working. You don't want to leave the Theatre knowing you're not coming back for the next show - it needs to be a battle.
Wherever you - break the cycle.
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