what do you do?
what do you say?
what do you feel, really?
you knew him
but not really
you spoke
but not too much
you shared a piece of each other,
with each other
but not every piece
(how much is enough, anyway?)
you laughed about life
you cried also
but you continued to live still
to love
to share
he was what courage looked like
bravery and all its fearlessness
he had his cross to bear
but he still helped others carry theirs
seeing potential in others
he did
believing that the ultimate truth
will find us all
he's gone today
but in us he remains
a pART of us he stays
God knows, right?
He knew
See you soon
[Now, I'm gonna go have that cup of Tea and pour a lot of brandy in it like Joseph Stalin used to, I'll make it two, actually. Cheers!]
Rest In Perfect Peace and Power, Sibulele Mgudlwa.
Uyathandwa, wethu.
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